
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New Phones

We are switching over to the City's VOIP phone network. New phone sets will begin to be deployed on Thursday July 23 and Friday July 24. Cut over to the new system is scheduled to take place on Tuesday July 28. Existing phones will be replaced and several new ones installed in the projects office, curatorial area, loading bay, workshop and carousel basement.

A wireless system will be used to add phones to the village in the following locations: Blacksmith, Grounds Shed, General Store, Love and Seaforth. These will be coming on-line in the next several months. In the meantime, both Love and Seaforth will have their existing phones replaced.

A list of new phone numbers will be circulated once available. There will be a period of overlap between the old and new numbers in order for a smooth transition to take place. The new phone numbers will show up on call displays, but the old numbers will continue to work to receive phone calls for a period of time.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.



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